La Chaumière's Boutique

After a stay at the 3-star hotel or a gourmet experience in our fine dining restaurant, why not take a little Jura home with you? Our Boutique offers an array of regional products selected by our chef and sommelier.

Sweet and savoury delicacies are beautifully presented on colourful displays in which fuchsia alternates with red, blue and green!

Products from La Chaumière

100% homemade sweet treats:

  • Gentian flavoured marshmallows
  • Toffees 
  • Honey-infused Madeleine sponge cakes

Regional products

  • Wines from the Jura (biodynamic production)
  • Cheeses: Comté, Morbier
  • Morel mushrooms 
  • Homemade jams from the Maison Miot (Best Craftsman of France)
  • Vin jaune vinegar from the Maison Gonet